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Date: Wed, 2 Mar 94 04:30:03 PST
From: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group <tcp-group@ucsd.edu>
Errors-To: TCP-Group-Errors@UCSD.Edu
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Precedence: Bulk
Subject: TCP-Group Digest V94 #56
To: tcp-group-digest
TCP-Group Digest Wed, 2 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 56
Today's Topics:
dial-up PPP support in NOS/NOSalikes
NOS ( jnos ) to Linux
TAPR '94 annual meeting agenda
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu>.
Subscription requests to <TCP-Group-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>.
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 1994 08:39:48 -0600 (CST)
From: ssampson@sabea-oc.af.mil (Steve Sampson)
Subject: ANOS, BNOS, CNOS, DNOS........
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
> I am starting a very ambitious project. I am trying to put together a
> NEW version of anos for ax.25 tcp. In doing so, the only source that
> I can find it anos29K.
> 1) I can't seem to get "k" to compile with a new SAS
> C v6.5 compiler. Actually, I can get it to compile, but it wont run.
> I would really like to add some of the great things in JNOS to this
> code stream,
What is ANOS? Where did you get it? Why are you starting over?
There's already two very good NOS's and NET. The first is the real NOS (ka9q)
and the other is for BBS types (JNOS). The last is not NOS but the old NET
and it compiles on most machines and has several Unix features (no massive BBS
though) and that is k5jb. Start with those three and you won't have to debug
the same code all over again.
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 1994 14:55:16 -0500
From: "marcus (m.d.) leech" <mleech@bnr.ca>
Subject: dial-up PPP support in NOS/NOSalikes
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
I've been out of touch with the goings-on in NOS and its offspring for
over a year. Is there currently a version with dial-up PPP (or
I've got a friend with an in-basement network, a free INTERNET connection,
but currently no way to take advantage of it...
Marcus Leech |Any opinions expressed are mine. |+1 613 763 9145
VE3MDL | and not those of my employer |+1 613 567 5484
mleech@bnr.ca | |
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 07:18:25 CST
From: Jack Snodgrass <kf5mg@kf5mg.ampr.org>
Subject: NOS ( jnos ) to Linux
To: tcp-group mailling list <tcp-group@ucsd.edu>
Does anyone have a FAQ for using Linux from NOS? I can telnet to my
Linux box, but once I'm there the TERM type is 'network' and you can't do
much with that. I'd like to be able to run full screen programs ( elm,
joe, etc ) but can't because there are no termcap defs for network.
Linux/unix is really new to me so if this is a basic question, please be
kind. I'm also interested in running either a NNTP Server or Client on
Linux that will Interface to my JNOS box. At some point, I hope to have
the system set up so that JNOS users can telnet directly to the box using a
second box as a radio router. I'd also like to be able to make an ax.25
connect to the radio router and then telnet to the Linux box. Anyway...
if someone can help please let me know. Thanks.
73's de Jack - kf5mg
Internet - kf5mg@kf5mg.ampr.org -
AX25net - kf5mg@kf5mg.#dfw.tx.usa.noam - home (817) 488-4386
Dialup - kf5mg@tcet.unt.edu - work (looking for)
=== Buffalo's new area code.... 044.... "Deal with it" ===
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 7:57:15 MST
From: dlf@phx.mcd.mot.com (Dave Fritsche)
Subject: TAPR '94 annual meeting agenda
To: nos-bbs@hydra.carleton.ca, tcp-group@ucsd.edu
In case anyone is still trying to decide whether to go to the annual
TAPR meeting in Tucson this weekend, attached is the agenda for this
year's event. Looks to be interesting as usual.
73 . . . Dave Fritsche (wb8zxu)
dlf@phx.mcd.mot.com (Tempe, AZ)
Friday, March 4th (1:00pm-)
1-5:00 Registration, Hospitality Suite
5-7:30 Pizza Bash. (Maps at Hospitality Suite)
7-9:30 Hospitality Suite open
8:00- Regional Networking, Special Interest Group, Eagle's Nest
Saturday, March 5th (8:00am-)
8-9:00 Registration, Outside Conference Area (LI, II, III)
9-5:00 Registration, Hospitality Suite
Morning Session Bob Nielsen, W6SWE, Chairman
9:00 Welcome and announcements Greg Jones, WD5IVD
9:10 Welcome Fried Heyn, WA6WZO, Dir, ARRL SW Division
9:15 TUC52 Circuit Description Paul Newland, AD7I(Pres. Bob Hansen, N2GDE)
9:35 TAPR/AMSAT Joint DSP Project: DSP-93 Bob Stricklin, N5BRG
9:55 High Speed Networking and the New 219mHz Band Jon Bloom, KE3Z, ARRL
10:15 Preliminary Test and Evaluation of Metcon-1 Ron Bates, AG7H
10:35 Break, Demonstrations (20 min)
10:55 AMSAT Report Lyle Johnson, WA7GXD
11:10 RF Path Analysis for Digital Links Jim Wortham, W7GNP
11:25 What is TNOS? Brian Lantz, KO4KS
11:40 WINNOS: A Graphical Concept Lew Shannon, K0RR
11:55 Announcements
12:00 Adjourn for Lunch (Garden Patio)
Afternoon Session Bob Nielsen, W6SWE, Chairman
1:15 Announcements
1:20 TAPR Officer Reports: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Board
1:40 G-TOR: The New Faster HF Digital Mode Phil Anderson, W0XI, Kantronics
1:55 New TASCO Products Lyle Johnson, WA7GXD
2:10 Other vendor announcements
2:25 Break, Demonstrations (20 min)
2:45 Symposium: Looking Ahead Keith Justice, KF7TP, Moderator
2:45 New Network Services, Technologies & Requirements Tom McDermott, N5EG
3:15 Toward New Link Layer Protocols Phil Karn, KA9Q
3:45 Internet Gateways, Opportunities and Problems Remi Hutin, W5/F6CNB
4:15 Crystal Gazing: Discussion by the speakers and others
4:30 Uscheduled Contributed Paper(s)
5:00 Announcements and closing remarks Greg Jones, WD5IVD
6:00 Dinner, Garden Patio
After Dinner, TAPR and the Future: Open Forum, Garden Patio
Followed by: BBS SIG, Dining room Dave Wolf, WO5H, chairman
Sunday, March 6th (8:00am-12:00pm)
8-9:00 Registration
8:30 Announcements
8:35 NOS Workshop Johan Reinalda, WG7J
10:00 Break (15 min)
10:15 Reconvene
12:00 Adjourn
12:20 Lunch with Johan
Keith Justice, KF7TP Internet: kf7tp@kf7tp.stat.com
2652 E. Kael St. AmprNet: kf7tp@wb7tpy.AZ.USA.NOAM
Mesa, AZ 85213
End of TCP-Group Digest V94 #56